The History of French Colonial Policy, 1870-1925 by Stephen H. Roberts

The History of French Colonial Policy, 1870-1925 by Stephen H. Roberts

Auteur:Stephen H. Roberts [Roberts, Stephen H.]
La langue: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780367175917
Google: gWvXygEACAAJ
Éditeur: Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Incorporated
Publié: 2020-08-13T01:35:12+00:00


1 Ancel on the formation of the Congo in Renseignements Coloniaux, 1902, p. 79 et seq.; M. Rouget, L’Expansion Colonial au Congo Français (1906), p. 24 et seq.

2 Neuville et Breard, Les Voyages de Savorgnan de Brazza: Ogooue et Congo, 1875–1882 (1884), p. 150 et seq., for documents; Ancel, op. cit., p. 99 et seq.

3 Journal Officiel, Deps., 12/11/82.

4 Ibid., 21/11/82, 3/12/82. The convention is in Journal Officiel, 3/12/82, or Du Clercq, Vol. X IV, p. 74.

5 Journal Officiel, Deps., 11/1/83.

6 British Parliamentary Paper, 1885,—Correspondence regarding the West African Conference at Berlin, with protocols and General Act, 5 parts.

7 Documents are in Dubois et Terrier, Un Siècle d’Expansion Coloniale (1902), p. 626 et seq.

8 For this episode, see Livre Jaune, Affaires du Haut Nil et du Bahr-el-Ghazal (1897–1898); English Blue Books, Egypt, Nos. 2 and 3, 1898 (C. 9054–9055). French accounts are in R. de Caix, Fachoda (1899), p. 11 et seq.; G. Hanotaux, Fachoda, le Partage de l’Afrique (1909), p. 69 et seq.; and Journal Officiel, Deps., 3/4/96, Senate, 6/4/95.

9 Rouget (1906), op. cit., pp. 137–159, or Dubois et Terrier (1902), op. cit., annexes to Chap. IV.

10 L’Afrique Française, August 1900, p. 266.

11 See reports and organization in L’Afrique Française, Feb. 1904, p. 44.

12 H. Paulin, L’Afrique Equatoriale Française (1924), p. 35.

13 Annuaire du Gouvernement-General de l’Afrique Equatoriale Française, 1913, p. 44 et seq.; Rouget (1906), op. cit., pp. 354–380.

14 L’Afrique Française, Feb. 1891, p. 10; June 1891, p. 6; Journal Officiel, 17/7/91. Compare Journal Officiel, Senate, docts. parl., 1896, p. 42.

15 Journal officiel, Deps., 3/3/95, 28/6/95; Senate, 6/4/95.

16 E. Gentil, Rapport d’Ensemble sur la situation du Congo Français en 1903, p. 10.

17 Pauliat Report in Journal Officiel, Senate, docts, parl., 1898, p. 13.

18 G. Bruel, L’Afrique Equatoriale Française (1918), p. 430.

19 These decrees were dated 8/2/99 and 28/3/99 respectively.

20 J. Lefebure, Le Regime des Concessions au Congo (1904), p. 73.

21 See Map No. 16 on page 339, or Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, 1/1/1900, p. 9.

22 For the judgment of 1901, see Dareste, Recueil Colonial, 1902, p. 2 6; and for that of 1902, L’Afrique Française, Oct. 1902, p. 360, or Dareste, 1902, p. 56; 1903, p. 21.

23 The English point of view of this controversy is summarized in West Africa, 5/10/01; Le Temps, 7/1/02, or the documents in L’Afrique Française, Nov. 1901, p. 380. The French is best stated in first report of L’Union Congolaise Françaisc (1906), Chap. 17. For the stages of the quarrel, see E. Morel, The British Case in the French Congo (1903), pp. 72, 127 et seq., or L’Afrique Française, 1900, pp. 372, 396; 1901, p. 17.

24 Rouget (1906), op. cit., p. 665 et seq.

25 A summary of the controversy is in Captain Renard’s booklet La Colonisation au Congo Français (1901) or L’Afrique Française, 1900, p. 253; 1901, p. 145 et seq.

26 First report of L’Union Congolaise Frangaise (1906), p. 4; Lorin in Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, 1908, p. 681.

27 For yearly analysis of their operation, see Messimy’s budget-report for 1909 or Notre Œuvre Coloniale (1910), p.


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