Candide by Voltaire
Auteur:Voltaire [Voltaire]
La langue: eng
Format: epub
Éditeur: W. W. Norton & Company
Publié: 2016-04-14T21:00:00+00:00
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† From Trivium 13 (May 1978): 18–30. Reprinted by permission of Trivium Publications, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter. Pages in brackets refer to this Norton Critical Edition.
1. The Enlightenment: an interpretation [1966], (London 1973), Vol. I, pp. 21, 197.
2. ‘Rapports probables entre le Zadig de Voltaire et la pensée stoïcienne,’ Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 52 (June 1937), p. 375, n. 10.
3. Candide, édition critique (Paris 1959), p. 71.
4. ‘The Quality of Candide,’ pp. 339–40 in Essays presented to C. M. Girdlestone (Newcastle upon-Tyne, King’s College 1960), pp. 335–347. [See the Weightman article here in this Norton Critical Edition.]
5. Op. cit., p. 338 [here].
6. Candide, ed. J. H. Brumfill (Oxford 1968), p. 84 [here].
7. Norman Wentworth De Witt, Epicurus and his Philosophy [1954], (Cleveland and New York 1967), p. 246. Voltaire himself when we read of him at death’s door, but despite having “lost the use of his eyes, his ears, his legs, his teeth, his tongue” [Theodore Besterman, Voltaire (London 1969), p. 522] still determined to make a visit to Paris, sounds like a real-life conflation of some of the characters from his conte.
8. Ibid., pp. 67.
9. For a discussion of suicide in the Stoic system of ethics, see F. H. Sandbach, The Stoics (London 1975), pp. 48–52.
10. Five Stages of Greek Religion (London 1946), Thinkers Library, No. 52, p. 110.
11. Epicurus: the Extant Remains, ed. Cyril Bailey (Oxford 1926), p. 115: Vatican Fragments, lvii.
12. Ct. Sandbach, op cit., pp. 32–35.
13. Ll. 363–368.
14. ‘Candide, Gull in the Garden’, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 3 (1969), pp. 265–277. See pp. 274, 276.
15. G. Murray, Voltaire’s Candide: the Protean Gardener, 1755–1762. Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century, 59 (Geneva 1970); P. Ilie, ‘The Voices in Candide’s garden, 1755–1759: a methodology for Voltaire’s correspondence,’ Studies on Voltaire … 148. (Oxford 1976), pp. 37–113.
16. Ilie, op cit., pp. 44–5.
17. Ibid., p. 102.
18. Ibid., p. 89.
19. Ibid., p. 104.
20. Ibid., p. 113.
21. Ibid., pp. 53, 107 (n. 139).
22. Ibid., p. 107.
23. Ibid., p. 112.
24. Cited by René Ternois, ‘Saint Evremond et Gassendi,’ Actes du VIIIe Congrès de l’Association Guillaume Budé, 1969, p. 726.
25. Ilie, op cit., p. 112.
26. Ibid., p. 89.
27. Ars poetica, I. 343: “omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci.”
28. Le Philosophe ignorant, xlv (‘Des stoïciens’).
29. Cf. Complete Works of Voltaire, Correspondence, definitive edition by Theodore Besterman: D8035 (Jan. 9, 1759); D6307 (June 13, 1755).
30. Cf. Christopher Thacker, ‘Voltaire and Rousseau: eighteenth-century gardeners,’ Studies on Voltaire … 90, p. 1597.
31. W. F. Bottiglia, Voltaire’s Candide, analysis of a classic, Studies on Voltaire … 7, (Geneva 1959), p. 109.
32. Pensée sur le bonheur (1724). Cited by J. Ehrard, L’Idée de Nature en France dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle (Paris 1963), Vol 1, p. 564.
33. Essai sur le mérite et la vertu (1745); Dédicace ‘A mon frère.’ Oeuvres complètes de Diderot, ed. Assézat et Tourneux, Vol. 1, p. 10.
34. Op cit., Vol. 1, p. 544.
35. Le Philosophe ignorant, xliv (‘D’Epicure’).
36. Oeuvres meslées. (Londres 1705), 2 vols in 4. Vol. 1, p. 462: “Je ne croi pas qu’il [Epicure] ait voulu introduire une Volupté plus dure que la Vertu des Stoïques. Cette jalousie d’Austérité me paroît extravagante dans un Philosophe voluptueux, de quelque manière qu’on tourne sa Volupté.
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